Weather Radials

The weather radials are used to display a yearly summary of temperatures and, possibly, precipitation. It comes in the form of a crown representing the year. The temperature is represented by colored bars showing the amplitude of daily temperatures, while the color indicates the average. Precipitation is represented by discs whose diameter indicates their intensity. You can specify the size of the graph, its design (colors, design, etc.), scales, etc.

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This visualization is inspired by the amazing Weather Radial Posters and based on pieces of code written by Nadieh Bremer and Himanshu Chowdhary


Displayable Data

This chart displays daily values or historical values.

Refreshing Mode

Refresh occurs at page load (with or without ajax preload) or automatically (every 2 minutes for daily data or every 1 hour for historical data).

Need help using this chart?

See The Handbook

Also available for climatological data!

See How