Community Support
Last seen: Feb 4, 2019
I'm still struggeling with the wind gust, you can find it under ' Windsnelheid & Windvlaag'It looks like 5mins after every hour the reading is res...
You're completely right. I think we need to be pleased that you do this, that you created this plugin.I'm also pleased with the fast replies, and fixe...
I'm a paid user at WeatherUnderground, so I can still use the API, as far as I can see. But where can I fill it in? In the settins meny, I can see Net...
I examined the database, and saw the indoor sensor sometimes didn't give any response, so indoor temp & pressure weren't available, that probably ...
I Had the error until 10mins ago, now I updated to 3.7.5, so we'll see. i know about the inaccurate computations, but better some data then none. with...
Strange, i See 1013.0 maybe it's 0 sometimes ? maybe buildin a catch, to prevent this error in case of no barometric pressure ? 😉 Erwin 2019-01...
I have a WMR300, but the data is sent with Meteohub (this is running on an Rpi with an RFXcom receiver) Link to the clientraw :/p> Erwin
I'ts running every 2mins now, but stil sometimes the refresh rate is 10mins or more(see my graphics) And the system generates an error message every +...
IK Thanks, didn't know that. For those who use PLESK as backend, you can set the cron-job on plesk , as you can see in the attached screenshot. Login ...
Any idea where I can find that ID? If I edit the site, i get this link, where the end GUID looks like the ID i used ?
Looks OK to me, OR i'm looking at the wrong place... 2019-01-05-11_20_58-Met-Office-WOW-.png
It would be great to be able to import Meteohub data, then i have a backlog of a few years. or otherwise import the WeatherUnderground data, that can ...
I know most of the IP camera's have a URL, that responds with a basic JPEG image, so if the response is ONLY the JPEG, i think it's not that difficult...