Stations Management
The stations screen of Weather Station helps you to manage collected stations (add, remove, etc.) as well as to set some specific parameters on a station by station basis .
The main screen displays a list of all the stations actually added (and therefore collected) by the plugin:
The first three columns displays information about the station itself (name, coordinates, composition, etc.). The fourth column allows direct access to shortcodes. The fifth column, called “Data” give a link to the pages where the station is shared or published. The sixth column displays the last time the station was collected and the last time it was viewed.
If you hover the mouse cursor over a particular line, you will see specific features depending on the type of station. The following features may be visible:
- View: to access the detail view. Has the same effect as clicking on the station name.
- Modify: to modify or update the properties of the station (city, country, coordinates, etc.).
- Remove: to remove the station from the Weather Station collect process.
- Browse events: to see events associated with the station.
- Verify on a map: to verify, visually, the coordinates of the station (particularly useful in the case of geolocated stations).
It is from this screen you can also add a new station.
The Station Details view
When you click on station name, you access to a page, specific to the station, with multiple tabs. The first one of these tabs, called “Station Details”, lets you discover all the details of the station:
The left-hand column of this tab displays statical information on the station as well as publishing format options while the right-hand column displays all modules (main base, outdoor, indoor and virtual modules) attached to the station.
It is from this tab you can publish data or share a station.
Beyond the adjustment of parameters, this tab allows you to check if Weather Station communicates correctly with your station or the concerned service. Each module box displays a number of information (you can also ensure that technical details of the station are displayed), especially measurements. To know which measurements are shown, just hover over the icon whith the cursor of the mouse.
Customizing the Station Details view
In the same way as for the other Weather Station screens presenting a layout with boxes, you can use the following controls to arrange this view to suit your workflow:
- Screen Options: use the “Screen Options” tab to choose which boxes to show.
- Drag and Drop: to rearrange the boxes, drag and drop by clicking on the title bar of the selected box and releasing when you see a gray dotted-line rectangle appear in the location you want to place the box.
- Box Controls: click the title bar of the box to expand or collapse it.