The services settings tab helps you to connect Weather Station to services publishing meteorological data or weather related services. Setting these parameters is not required, but if you want to access certain features of the plugin, you should do so.
Ambient Weather Network
To allow Weather Station to collect data from the stations you have set in your Ambient dashboard, you need to connect Weather Station to the Ambient Weather Network services by using an API key. To get your Ambient API key, please follow these steps:
- Log in to your Ambient dashboard.
- In your account settings, at the bottom of the page, click on “Create API Key”.
- Then, copy and paste your API key in the single field of the “Ambient Weather Network” box and click on the “connect” button.
The Ambient Weather Network dashboard allows you to create two sorts of keys: an Application API key or an API key. Weather Station don’t need an Application API key, just a simple API key
To allow Weather Station to collect data from your BloomSky station(s), you need to connect Weather Station to the BloomSky services by using an API key. To get your BloomSky API key, please follow these steps:
- Log in to your BloomSky dashboard.
- In this dashboard, at the bottom of the left column, click on the “Developers” link.
- Then, copy and paste your API key in the single field of the “BloomSky” box and click on the “connect” button.
To allow Weather Station to collect data from your Netatmo station(s) – or any other Netatmo station to which you have access to – you must enter the credential information of your Netatmo account (the login and password you usually use to connect to the Netatmo website).
Please note that according to the Netatmo API usage conditions, neither your login nor your password are stored by Weather Station. This information is only necessary once to securely get a connection token.
You can enter only one of the two Netatmo boxes or both depending on the case.
To allow Weather Station to collect current weather or pollution data for external stations, you need to connect Weather Station to the OpenWeatherMap services by using an API key. To get a free API key, please follow these steps:
- If you haven’t one yet, create an account on OpenWeatherMap.
- Sign in to your account and go to the API key management page.
- Copy the default key or a newly created key (we recommend you to create a new key only for Weather Station).
- Wait for 10 minutes to allow OpenWeatherMap to activate your key.
- Then paste-it in the API key field of the OpenWeatherMap box (in Weather Station services settings tab).
- Click on the “Connect” button after selecting the right API plan.
The Free Plan will allow you to add up to 10 OpenWeatherMap stations in Weather Station.