
A WordPress shortcode is a little bit of code (between square brackets) to put in an page or a post. When the page or the post is generated by WordPress, the shortcode is transformed into something useful (a video player, an image, etc.).

To display meteorological data, Weather Station uses shortcodes. Each shortcode is generated by a wizard and you simply place this shortcode in a page or a post for it to be turned into a gauge, a meter, a LCD display, etc.

To generate ready-to-use shortcodes, you can use one of these wizards from the view of a particular station, in one of the three tabs that follow the “station details” tab:

Lines of the station list, showing shortcodes access

You can learn more about the specific parameters of each control:

Textual Data

Steel Meter

Single & Multi-Bar

Heatmap Calendar

Angular Stream

Weather Radials

Icon Data

Clean Gauge

Single & Multi-Ligne

Double Line Chart

Radar Charts

Snapshots Viewer

LCD Display

Line & Bar Chart

Candlestick Chart

Stacked Areas

Timelapse Viewer