Community Support
Good evening Pierre,
I'm sorry for being a bit painstaking, but since I really like cloud base as parameter this has some importance to me. Very reasonably you round the calculated value to steps of hundreds (100, 200, 300,...). While this is good practice it leads to an unwanted side effect in linecharts: As can be seen in the screenshot (in this case it's not so bad because the range was large today ????) rounding values causes an apparent "step function" and oscillations between two values.
Despite cloud base calculations are not that accurate after all, maybe you have an idea what to do with the charts if you find the time.
I like the cold weather. It means you get work done.
Hi Chris!
I see exactly what you tell... But - that's not so new 😉 - the problem is not so simple. Cloud base altitude variation are not really "linear". You can see by yourself the values may be very different from one record to another. As an example I made a screenshot to show you what it produces when they are not rounded. As you can see there are the 2 phenomenons you've noticed: pseudo-oscillations and stepped values. It's really due to the inherent meaning of the measurement.
You can't disable oscillations. For stepped values, you can try "basis" as interpolation to soften the line. But that's the better you can do...
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Thank you for the quick reply! Wow, I was not aware that dew point and outdoor temperature interfere in such a bad way, but you're absolutely right. And thanks for the hint with the interpolation, it helps a bit.
So for me this is resolved now and I think it's better to move it to General Questions or to the Meteorology section.
I like the cold weather. It means you get work done.