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Hello, I have been trying to link my Fine Offset WH2900 to my website for quite some time now.
Now I am stuck with the fact that I cannot find the correct .php file.
If I understood correctly I need this .php file to generate a realtime.txt file which can be read by this plugin.
Who can help me with the correct .php file?
Edit/update 26-04-2021
In addition to the above question, more info about what I've been doing so far.
The WH2900 is set to send its data to a ‘pws’ folder on a local server within my home network (Figure 01).
For this I use the program Jeedom which I installed on a Raspberry Pi. This Raspberry sends the data every minute as a realtime.txt file to the folder ‘pws’ which is placed in the same folder (the ‘site’ folder) as where Wordpress is installed on my website.
The realtime.txt file forwarded looks like this:
[PASSKEY] => 52039562B50397850E6CD727A0EC7CA7
[station type] => EasyWeatherV1.5.8
[dateutc] => 2021-04-22 17:04:38
[tempinf] => 69.6
[humidityin] => 31
[baromrelin] => 30,399
[baromabsin] => 30,349
[tempf] => 48.2
[humidity] => 61
[winddir] => 237
[windspeedmph] => 2.7
[windgustmph] => 3.4
[maxdailygust] => 12.5
[rainratein] => 0.000
[eventrainin] => 0.000
[hourlyrainin] => 0.000
[dailyrainin] => 0,000
[weeklyrainin] => 0,000
[monthlyrainin] => 1.331
[totalrainin] => 15,331
[solar radiation] => 57.62
[uv] => 0
[wh65batt] => 0
[freq] => 868M
[model] => WS2900_V2.01.10
Within the plugin Weatherstation I have added a station which is suitable to receive a realtime.txt. This with the button with the green dial as logo.
The station settings can be seen in Figure 02.
I have chosen the setting Web server (HTTPS) because the url of my website also starts with HTTPS.
It doesn't matter which setting I choose here, none of the 5 settings that may work.
With the addition www for the path, so www.forest.... I don't get any results either.
At station details I can see from the light gray time display that the data is refreshed every minute but that no measured values are visible, see figure 03.
If I create a page within my website to make the data visible, the data will not be processed, see
After all, the data is not displayed with the station details.
I have already tried various settings, but I am unable to make the data of my weather station visible on my website. I also don't know where things are going wrong.
My suspicion is that the realtime.txt file is not in the correct format.
Martin responded quickly to all emails from me and was able to answer them clearly.
My thanks are big to Martin.
You will only find out one way ....
By doing it!
Hello can you tell me how solve this problem?
Hey Felix,
I received the correct php file from another forum member, thanks to Martin Slack.
My weather station is the Alecto WS-5500 which is equal to the Fine Offset WH2900.
I have now got everything working without using my Raspberry Pi. All data, files and data now go directly through my own web server.
In WS Viewer you must first indicate where on your server your php file(alecto.php) is located.
See the attachment WS-View-settings.jpg
In alecto.php you must first enter your passkey for your weather station.
In the folder on your server where you place the alecto.php file you also have to place the weatherArrey.php file. This weatherArray.php converts all data into a realtime.txt file. You need this realtime.txt file in the Wordpress plugin. This realtime.txt file is automatically created and placed in the same folder where you placed both php files. As an example I have attached a realtime.txt as it is created by my weather station.
In the weatherArry.php file there is an explanatory text after the // in Dutch about what the measurements do. And whether this function works or not with this model weather station. You may be able to get this further with Google translate.
In the Wordpress plugin you have to add a station.
Be careful not to put http:// or https:// in front of the location of the realtime.txt file.
See the images plugin-settings-1.jpg and plugin-settings-2.jpg
I have added all necessary files as a compressed file (all-files).
I also used Google Translate to translate, my apologies for any confusion.
You will only find out one way ....
By doing it!
thank you for the files i understand how it works but where i find my passkey for the station?
Php script to find out passkey, added this file as a compressed file.
Place the script index.php in the folder where you also placed the other php files. In WS Viewer you must indicate where on your server your index.php file is located.
After the set time of 30 seconds, files will be generated with a name of 8 digits.
Open such a file and the contents will look like this.
This file shows the weather station passkey.
[PASSKEY] => 52039562B40397850E6CA527B0EC7CA7
[station type] => EasyWeatherV1.5.9
[dateutc] => 2021-05-03 10:14:31
[tempinf] => 69.3
[humidityin] => 40
[baromrelin] => 30.115
[baromabsin] => 30.065
[tempf] => 52.3
[humidity] => 68
[winddir] => 181
[windspeedmph] => 2.9
[windgustmph] => 4.5
[maxdailygust] => 11.4
[rainratein] => 0.000
[eventrainin] => 0.000
[hourlyrainin] => 0.000
[dailyrainin] => 0.008
[weeklyrainin] => 0.008
[monthlyrainin] => 0.008
[totalrainin] => 16,039
[solarradiation] => 320.15
[uv] => 3
[wh65batt] => 0
[freq] => 868M
[model] => WS2900_V2.01.10
You will only find out one way ....
By doing it!
thanks for your help, everything is fine and I'm happy.
However, a few more steps were necessary because I am using a security plug-in and the required files could not be created. So to everyone else who does that, make sure that you either deactivate such plugins for a short time or do the whole thing outside of Wordpress.
I will write a German manual on my blog soon and link it here.
Hi Felix,
Glad I was able to help you. That's what this forum is for ????
I am curious how you will display your weather station (layout).
The layout for displaying my weather station can be found here:
It is a Dutch site, but it can give other users an idea how to present the data from your weather station.
You will only find out one way ....
By doing it!
Hi guys.
I was able to make it work but without knowing how. The problem is that the php script is generating a almost empty file
I made so many changes that it started working even without the passkey! Then I tried to put it on another site. No deal. But if I move back, WS Viwer, to original site, still working! Any thoughts?
Stupid, I was making a typo. So, Velleman Perel WC224 that is a Fine Offset WH2900 clone, does not need passkey. Everything is working.