Community Support
Hi Pierre,
I report that the Solar Module data output (plots, current values and icons) dissappeared using the same Ambient Weather station (WS2902 with solar meter). But in the "Station details" screen, we see the solar module.
What's wrong?
Best regards from Chile.
David Aguilera-Riquelme (@davidagriq). - an Open Chilean hobbyist weather network
Hi David!
Could you send me the specific url where I can see this? Thanks
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Hi Pierre, how are you?
There is the link. I confirmed that Solar module is enabled on Display Options right-upper menu (I don't know exactly how is named, in Spanish it's called Opciones de Pantalla, besides Help menu). And I confirmed that Ambient station is the only that have this problem on 3.8.3.
Saludos desde Chile!
Thanks for your concern. D.
David Aguilera-Riquelme (@davidagriq). - an Open Chilean hobbyist weather network
Hello David.
Sorry if I misunderstood what's the problem. Do you want to say the module is invisible only in admin pages? If so, I doesn't have access.
If it's in admin page, could send me a screenshot where the module is not visible (and put a red mark where you expected to see it).
If it's in frontend, could tell me the url where I can see its absence ( ???? ) and what it would be (widget, chart, control, etc...)?
If you like Weather Station, please consider to make a review to help make it known. That would be the best way to thank me...
Hi Pierre,
It is on the admin pages. I can't generate shortcodes or daily plots using solar module, because it was vanished from options. Attached to this post I upload a screenshot.
Best regards.
David Aguilera-Riquelme (@davidagriq). - an Open Chilean hobbyist weather network
Ahhhh. Yes. Understood.
You're right, this is not normal. It will be fixed in 3.8.4...
Thanks. ????
If you like Weather Station, please consider to make a review to help make it known. That would be the best way to thank me...
Hello David!
I've bad news for you. Ambient API doesn't report anymore UV index and irradiance. I don't know why, and since how. I will try to investigate... What's the model of your station?
If you like Weather Station, please consider to make a review to help make it known. That would be the best way to thank me...
Hi David.
Version 3.8.4 is just released. Could you confirm it fixes this bug?
If you like Weather Station, please consider to make a review to help make it known. That would be the best way to thank me...
Hi Pierre,
Everything is working OK on 3.8.4. Thank you for your concern.
David Aguilera-Riquelme (@davidagriq). - an Open Chilean hobbyist weather network