Weather Station 3.3 “Kat Onoma”

by | Sep 5, 2017

Weather Station 3.3 is here!

This new version brings new modules and widgets for solar records and thunderstorm conditions – for stations supporting these types of measurements. A new module and an adapted widget also allow – for all type of stations, this time – to use and display the most important psychrometric values (potential and equivalent temperatures, vapor pressure, air density, specific enthalpy, etc.).

Regarding new compatibility, I am very pleased and proud to announce that, as previously planned, Weather Station is now fully compatible with WeatherFlow Air and Sky modules. The extension also allows you to read stickertags and thus also offers full compatibility with stations managed with software such as WeatherLink, WsWin32, MeteoBridge, etc.

Weather Station now also allows to publish its data to stickertags (for more types of station) and YoWindow format. It also proposes a new ultra fast mode of data collection – for certain types of stations – for even greater data freshness.

To discover all of these new features, you can check out the all new changelog
If your site has not yet been updated, I encourage you to do so without further delay or to choose to switch on the automatic updates.

As usual, do not hesitate to tell me what you think of this new version and what you would like to see in the next updates …

Header illustration: Julien Mignot

This version of Weather Station is called “Kat Onoma” in honor of the French group which has been able to mix rock, jazz and experimental music and that has rocked the end of my adolescence.


  1. wpappbaum

    I am having an issue reading support forum questions and responses and also when creating forum questions. If I click on an item or try to create a question I get: No Results Found . Thanks, Rob

    • Pierre Lannoy

      Hello wpappbaum!
      Sorry for that. I just checked and you’re right, the site had a cache issue. It’s now ok… I suggest you to lougout and then login to post your question.


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